



CNCフライス盤プロセスは、2Dまたは3DCAD部品設計の作成から始まります。次に、完成した設計はCNC互換のファイル形式にエクスポートされ、CAMソフトウェアによってCNCマシンプログラムに変換され、マシンの動作とワークピース全体のツーリングの動きを指示します。オペレーターが CNC プログラムを実行する前に、 CNCフライス盤 by affixing the workpiece to the machine’s work surface (i.e., worktable) or workholding device (e.g., vise), and attaching the milling tools to the machine spindle. The CNC milling process employs horizontal or vertical CNC-enabled milling machines—depending on the specifications and requirements of the milling application—and rotating multi-point (i.e., multi-toothed) cutting tools, such as mills and drills. When the machine is ready, the operator launches the program via the machine interface prompting the machine to execute the milling operation.

一度 CNCフライス盤 プロセスが開始されると、機械は数千RPMに達する速度で切削工具の回転を開始します。使用するフライス盤の種類とフライス加工の要件に応じて、工具がワークピースに切り込むと、機械は次のいずれかのアクションを実行して、ワークピースに必要な切削を行います。


Generally, milling is best suited as a secondary or finishing process for an already machined workpiece, providing definition to or producing the part’s features, such as holes, slots, and threads. However, the process is also used to shape a stock piece of material from start to finish. In both cases, the milling process gradually removes material to form the desired shape and form of the part. First, the tool cuts small pieces—i.e., chips—off the workpiece to form the approximate shape and form. Then, the workpiece undergoes the milling process at much higher accuracy and with greater precision to finish the part with its exact features and specifications. Typically, a completed part requires several machining passes to achieve the desired precision and tolerances. For more geometrically complex parts, multiple machine setups may be required to complete the fabrication process.

一度 milling operation is completed, and the part is produced to the custom-designed specifications, the milled part passes to the finishing and post-processing stages of production.
